Success Stories

We work with you to reach your
destination with personalised solutions

We can offer a solution to get you to the destination and outcome you want and deserve. Our specialist practitioners provide personal advice and treatment which can include Shockwave Therapy, Hands on, Hydrotherapy and Rehabilitation.

Read about how we have been able to create solutions for our awesome clients and get them to the destination they deserve.

Meet John... who had 15 years of back pain and had been to many practitioners before coming to us.

When John came to see us back in 2018 complaining of intermittent bouts of low back pain for the last 15 years he was of the belief that he would just have a few sessions, get some relief to get over the flare up and then be on his way.

John typically would have worked in the past with a therapist up to a point where his symptoms were controlled and manageable and after 3 or 4 sessions be discharged. He had over the last 15 years experienced this strategy at least 18 times.

We explained to John that we would use our 3 step RFS method and work with him to a point where he became better skilled at managing his condition. This meant that he had to initially invest more money than what he would normally do however he understood that when he is capable of managing his condition independently he would not need to spend any more money. He had worked out he had spent in excess of £2000 on short term ‘fixes’ over the last 15 years.

We were able to identify the true cause of his back pain, which was stress related and we provided John with a bespoke plan which resulted in him becoming pain free. He now also had better insight into what caused his back pain and the methods he learned to control his stress levels meant he was now able to stop any further flare ups. He attended for a different complaint recently and is still pain free 3 years later and has had no flare up at all. He invested £650 in his plan with us which is about the same he would have spent on his short term ‘fixes’ over the same 3 years period.

Peter had a total hip replacement and wanted to walk 15-20 miles again... we got him there

Peter came to see us approximately 18 weeks after a total hip replacement. Although his surgeon was happy with his outcome Peter was somewhat disappointed. His pain was resolved but he lacked stamina and strength.

Although Peter is 74 he did not feel old and had hoped he could resume his walking post-operatively, which he had to give up due to his hip osteoarthritis. He was therefore disappointed he could only walk about 2 miles.

He has a group of friends and for the last 30 years they have enjoyed walking in the countryside up to 15-20 miles in a day. Peter wanted to be able to go walking with them again and when we first met him he did not have the belief he could ever do these distances again.

We applied our RFS method and Peter worked hard encouraged by one of our rehab specialists and over a 6 month period he managed to join his friends again for 15-20 mile walks.

Linda wanted to raise money for cancer UK, but she damaged her hamstring. We enabled her to complete her dream.

Linda is a runner who had challenged herself to do a marathon for her 50th Birthday and raise funds for Cancer UK, a charity she got involved with after surviving breast cancer. She had raised around £3000 when during her training she developed a hamstring problem which stopped her from running. She had seen several practitioners before she came to see us and had not been able to return to running. With 3 months until the marathon and not having trained for 3 months it seemed impossible for Linda to accomplish her dream. She felt disappointed in herself but also guilty she had raised this amount of money and was unable to run let alone run a marathon.

We applied the RFS method and successfully managed to get Linda to run the marathon and we also discovered why she had the hamstring problem in the first place. We worked with Linda for several months after the marathon to ensure her problem was properly addressed and to stop any recurrence in the future. She raised a total of £4500 in the end! We felt proud as a Company not only to have helped Linda but as a result of our successful approach contributed to her being able to raise the funds for her charity.

What Our Clients Say…

You Ask, We Answer

What is the cost of physiotherapy?

Find out about the costs of the initial assessment and follow up sessions of MSK physiotherapy.

How long is a session of physiotherapy?

A top question is about how long the sessions are, here we explain about the length of MSK initial and follow up sessions.

Do I need a referral to be treated by you?

To get your treatment at The Physiotherapy Centre, do you need to get a referral from your GP or Consultant?

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