Specialists in Acupuncture and Dry Needling
Acupuncture is a very safe procedure and can be incredibly success in providing pain relief for clients who have failed to make progress with other non-invasive treatments. All our physiotherapists who practice acupuncture are members of the AACP (Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) and meet the very high standards that are required to administer acupuncture.
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Qualified & Regulated
All our acupuncturists meet the strict requirements of the AACP
Safe & Clean
The Physiotherapy Centre is a clean and safe environment.
Your practitioner can provide you with advice prior to your treatment.
High Quality Needles
The needles we use are sterile and disposed of after one use.
Safe and Specialist Practitioner Advice
Common Conditions Treated With Acupuncture?
Low back pain and neck pain
Nerve pain such as sciatica
Joint pain
Osteoarthritis of the knee
Tendon injuries such as tennis elbow
Headaches and migraines
What Our Clients Say…
You Ask, We Answer
What is the cost of physiotherapy?
Find out about the costs of the initial assessment and follow up sessions of MSK physiotherapy.
How long is a session of physiotherapy?
A top question is about how long the sessions are, here we explain about the length of MSK initial and follow up sessions.
Do I need a referral to be treated by you?
To get your treatment at The Physiotherapy Centre, do you need to get a referral from your GP or Consultant?