Men’s Health

Specialist Men's Health Practitioner


We have the expertise and specialist Shockwave Therapy technology to solve Men’s Health conditions including Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome at The Physiotherapy centre.

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Shockwave Therapy for Results

Erectile Dysfunction

A study published by Kings College London (2019) estimates around 11.7 million men in the UK have experienced ED and 2.5 million have given up on sex as a result. The same study suggests 50% of men under the age of 50 are estimated to have suffered from erectile dysfunction.

Common causes of ED:

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    Vascular (lack of blood flow) – including ageing, diabetes & hypertension

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    Following prostate surgery

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    Medication/recreational drugs

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    Lack of testosterone


We have a 70% success rate using focused shockwave therapy for men suffering from vascular ED.  We also have success in men following prostatectomy. All other forms of ED will not benefit from shockwave therapy.

Focused shockwave therapy has the following effect to reverse ED:

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    Stimulates the body to grow new blood vessels in the penis.

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    Revitalises blood vessels that have through age become narrower.

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    Increase in girth and length through stimulation of the corpus cavernosum – healthier and more elastic tissue creates better function.

Our Specialist Shockwave Therapist and UK Shockwave Educator, Yves De Vos, has extensive experience in treating ED through his relationship and training with VENN HEALTHCARE and STORZ MEDICAL. He also works in partnership with 5 other clinicians through ED CLINICS.

Not all shockwave therapy is the same and the shockwave device we use is a Storz Focused Device which is the only form of shockwave that is clinically proven to help with vascular ED.

Further resources for information on ED and Shockwave Therapy:

The Shockwave Therapy Podcast

The Shockwave Therapy Podcast is created by James Woledge (owner of THE ABBEYFIELDS CLINIC and Osteopath with many years experience).  Each week James is joined by fellow health professionals to discuss Shockwave Therapy.

Below are links to the podcast, in Episode 10 James discusses shockwave therapy in the treatment in Erectile Dysfunction.  He is joined by our Lead Practitioner, Yves de Vos and Benoy Mathew. Both of whom are founder members of EDCLINICS.CO.UK which is a collaborative network of clinics specialising in this area.

They are enthusiastic advocates of treating vasculogenic ED with Focused Shockwave. They bring clarity and understanding to an otherwise complex specialist area.

Click on one of the links below to listen to the podcast.


Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s Disease (PD) is a disorder of the penis caused by plagues (scar tissue) resulting in painful erections and a curvature of the penis.

The exact cause for PD is unknown however studies suggest it may be caused by minor trauma to the penis resulting in bleeding and formation of scar tissue.

Some men have minimal problems in others it can cause painful erections and ED.

Focused Shockwave therapy is not able to break down scar tissue hence may not result in improving the curvature of the penis but can help with pain and erectile dysfunction.


Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) is a common genitourinary condition characterised by episodes of pain and discomfort which come and go unpredictably. It can also involve inflammation and difficulties with urinating. It is also sometimes referred to as Prostatitis.

Causes for CPPS can be musculoskeletal in nature such as tension in the pelvic muscles, fibromyalgia, inflammation of the pubic joint (symphysis pubis) or a hernia. The pain associated with this condition can degrade the quality of a man’s personal and work life and leaving him confounded and depressed.

Focused Shockwave Therapy in combination with addressing the cause of the pain through exercises or manual therapy has shown to have excellent results.

George T.

Shock Wave treatment, does it work—YES it did for me.

"I first met Yves when I was 73, I had been suffering from Erection Deficiency since late 50ths and early 60’s. I was prescribed the normal drugs by my GP and tried them all finishing up with generic Viagra from various suppliers where the best prices were at the supermarkets.

I noticed as did my wife that some years later the effect of the pills diminished and on occasions failed to even work. I also found the side effects were red face and no real erection after stimulation.

I was still aroused but seemed unable to maintain an erection so intercourse was a no, no.

This annoyed me as being sexually wanting but unable led me to investigate ED and a range of cures or maybe solutions. I tried a vacuum pump but whilst I could get erect I failed to maintain it.

My investigation on the internet led me to shock wave therapy where the penis is given similar treatment to muscle regeneration by increasing the blood flow and increasing the cavities for new blood flow.

I set about locating some consultancy who could offer such a treatment and came up with several private hospitals but not one responded to my enquiries. Not to be beaten I looked at the offerings on websites where a range of offering were available. I continued my investigations and read up on various abstract of medical bodies who had done studies and whilst non would say it was a total solution the results given did give encouragement.

My search continued on the internet for a consultancy and some pages through the search engine a link appeared to a very local physiotherapy clinic offering ED shock wave treatment. I made contact via the email link and subsequently spoke to the owner, Yves De Vos.

Following some background information I went for 6 sessions and by the 6th there was an improvement in my ability to get hardness. Yves offered me a further set of sessions which was producing some major improvements from the increased blood flow.

As a result of the shock wave therapy my blood flow was now much greater resulting in an even bigger erection that I had any time achieved.

For me Yves has changed my life and that of my wife’s, thank you Yves."

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