You Ask, We Answer

Everyone has a few questions

Below you will find the answers to many of our (FAQs) frequently asked questions
regarding treatments and facilities here at The Physiotherapy Centre, Widley, Waterlooville.

Help Centre

What is Osgood Schlatters Disease and is it treatable?

Osgood Schlatter’s Disease is a term used to describe pain in an area of growth just below the knee on the shin bone. It happens in active, young people who are going through a growth spurt. The large quadriceps muscle on the front of the thigh pulls on the kneecap (patella) and the patellar tendon,…

My consultant has recommended that I have hydrotherapy, why do I need an assessment?

The assessment is to make sure it is safe for you to use the pool (medically and physically), but also so that your clinician has a good understanding of your individual needs and presentation. This means that they can create a program of exercises specific to you, to ensure you get the best possible outcomes.

Why would I not be able to use the hydrotherapy pool?

There are certain medical conditions that would make it unsafe for you to use the pool such as unstable conditions (for example following recent stroke, heart attack, blood clots or severe asthma not responding to medication) or uncontrolled conditions like cardiac failure, angina, epilepsy, diabetes or blood pressure. You would also not be able to…

Will hydrotherapy help me after my knee replacement surgery?

Hydrotherapy can be very helpful following knee replacement. It can help with your pain levels, range of motion, strengthening and function. The heat in the water will help to decrease pain and increase mobility (as tissue is more flexible when it’s warm), as well as increasing blood flow to the tissues, which helps to promote…

Are physios any good at hydrotherapy?

The Physiotherapists at The Physiotherapy Centre are specialists at using hydrotherapy for helping solve a wide range of conditions. All the practitioners that use the pool have completed post-graduate training in hydrotherapy, and have been incredibly successful with their clients.

Isn’t hydrotherapy just like swimming?

No, hydrotherapy rarely involves swimming.  It’s more doing exercises and specific techniques in the pool to work on strength, joint mobilisation, pain relief, relaxation, proprioception and balance working with the properties of the warm water to adjust the level of difficulty of the exercises to suit you and your condition.

Can I do hydrotherapy on my own, or do I need a physio with me?

Initially you would need a physiotherapist with you, to make sure you are able to use the pool and pool area safely and also to ensure you are doing appropriate exercises and can perform them effectively. Once the physiotherapist is happy with these, you may be able to use the pool independently.

When would it be a bad idea to use hydrotherapy?

If you have any of the following conditions Unstable cardiac condition- especially left ventricular failure Recent medical instability after acute episode without medical clearance (MI, CVA, DVT, PE, Status Asthmaticus) Unstable angina Renal compromise Uncontrolled blood pressure (high or low) Seizures / poorly controlled epilepsy Loss of consciousness / blackouts Uncontrolled diabetes Open wounds Infectious…

Why should I pay for hydrotherapy, when it is available on the NHS for free?

Although you do not have to pay for hydrotherapy on the NHS, there is a limit as to how many sessions the NHS can provide (often a 6 session limit). Often patients need more than this, especially if they start out with a lot of pain, restricted  movement and weakness or if they have a…

What are the pros and cons of hydrotherapy?

Pro’s The buoyancy in the water helps to reduce stress on joints and soft tissue while exercising, making it easier for those in pain to move better. This means that people can often exercise for longer in the water than they can on dry land. Water also creates resistance to movement, meaning that it can…

How much does hydrotherapy cost?

Sessions with a clinician present vary from £91 to £113 depending on the length of the session. Similarly, self-supervised sessions vary from £16 to £22.50 per session, again depending on the length of the session.

What injuries does hydrotherapy help?

Hydrotherapy can help a range of conditions, for example following surgery or fracture (once your wounds are healed) or with injuries or presentations that make it difficult to move well on dry land due to pain, weakness or restricted movement. These could include neurological conditions (such as stroke or brain injury) or injuries including spinal…

What Our Clients Say…

You Ask, We Answer

What is the cost of physiotherapy?

Find out about the costs of the initial assessment and follow up sessions of MSK physiotherapy.

How long is a session of physiotherapy?

A top question is about how long the sessions are, here we explain about the length of MSK initial and follow up sessions.

Do I need a referral to be treated by you?

To get your treatment at The Physiotherapy Centre, do you need to get a referral from your GP or Consultant?

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